Next Challenge

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Captain Caveman

One of my all time favorites!


I've been looking for an excuse to say this all week. I apologize.

Prehistoric Pizza and a Movie

I don't know why, but the thought of a pterodactyl delivering pizza has always really amused me...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fred Collage

Cartoons and Prehistoric? Can't go wrong with a few sketches of Fred Flintstone!

Monday, November 1, 2010

haloween costume plus pre historic :)

This is a quick sketch but I think I will draw some more when I have the time, thanks ^^

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 7 Challenge: Prehistoric

Welp, we had a tie this week between "Prehistoric" and "It Came From The Deeps." I recruited Miss Mollie to help us with the tiebreaker.

And the winner is...

Drawings are due Saturday, November 6th!

Voting for next week's challenge is also open and it is a special materials challenge! The subject is free-for-all but your "drawing" must be made in the material-of-the-week!

If you have any announcements you'd like to share with recruits, please email me ahead of time!
  • Recruits who haven't submitted drawings have been cleaned up. Folks who joined as of Oct 1st were not removed. If you were removed but would like to try again, please email me with your information.
  • Have you visited the 11 Second Club lately for more animation practice? The November contest will start tomorrow! Check out the AM Mentor critiques for the monthly contest winners too!


Happy Halloween time!!~~